Hyderabad Trekking Club

Welcome to Hyderabad Trekking Club

Welcome to The Hyderabad Trekking Club (HTC). HTC is a great way to make new friends while keeping or staying fit, meeting that special someone (it does happen within our group), and even building your professional contacts in addition to the obvious social networks! It’s especially good for people who are new to the area or single and need some motivation to get out there and move it. Just get up and show up and we will do all of the planning for you. Our calendar has so many events that you cannot have the excuse that you don’t have any time to make it at least once a week. A few of our members attend almost daily! Whether you come every day or once every few months be sure to join us for good times! Oh, don’t forget your camera and if you take photos, PLEASE share them with the group on our site for us all to enjoy!

RSVP Rules

You only need to RSVP if you are going to attend an event. No need to RSVP “no” so please save your time because with as many events as we have that would be a real chore-grin. But, your RSVP is your commitment.

We ask for RSVP’s so that we may plan our hikes properly. If you RSVP “Yes,” we’ll be looking for you.

We expect you to show up, and to be on time. If your plans change, please take the time to update your RSVP, we refund your money as per refund rules if you update your RSVP prior to 72 hours of a hike to encourage you to do so.

Many of our Treks have waiting lists, so if you RSVP “Yes” and don’t show up, you have prevented someone from attending who actually would have shown up. That’s not cool. Likewise, if you RSVP “No,” or don’t RSVP at all, and show up anyway, it puts an unexpected burden on the leaders and is also not cool. The Organizer may very well ask you to leave.

The Hyderabad Trekking Club Disclaimer and Liability Information:

Click Here and review our legal disclaimer before attending any event because by participating in any of our events, you are agreeing to the disclaimer!

Release of Responsibility

Additional Disclaimer: Safety is first Priority for us. HTC Organizers will try their best to prevent accidents, but are not responsible or liable if something happens to you. During Trekking, everyone is responsible for themselves. By joining the group, you acknowledge this.

* Never leave the group without letting the leader or sweeper know for ANY reason. This is the number ONE reason why Trekkers get lost when Trekking with a group. Not even to go to the “bathroom”. If you need to go to the bathroom while on a hike, simply let the leader or sweeper know that “nature calls” and we will provide you with the some niceties to assist you with having to go in the woods. If you find it too embarrassing to let a leader or sweeper know that you have to “go to the bathroom” or whatever clever phrase you can come up with, then you either need to hold it until we reach a privy or bathroom or not go hiking with us!

Even though we hike as a group, it is still a good idea to tell someone about your Trek beforehand – when you plan to leave and return, and where you plan to explore. This way if you become lost, searchers know where to look for you. And always use the buddy system or hike in a group such as ours. Emergencies can and do happen!

Profile Pictures and other Safety Issues

You MUST post your picture in your profile and answer the profile questions. It helps Us remember the names and faces of all of our member, helps group members to remember your name, and builds a sense of community, not to mention is a VERY important safety factor. You MUST post a picture that clearly shows your face (not your dog or flowers, but you and you alone without a group of people where I cannot tell which person is in fact you).

If you do not comply you will be removed from the group. Sorry but this is one area where we WILL NOT BUDGE! This is a matter of safety in case of a missing hiker and we need to know who to look for at the trailhead. Click here for instructions on how to post a photo to your profile.